A point of view...: The juice and the Life


The juice and the Life

There is nothing as simple as the red grapefruit juice in that whole world of ours and in the same time-so sophisticated.
On the bright side it`s just a liquid for you. You like it, love it, can`t live without it or probably you hate it. Now...I`m not that bad, but just to remind you...there are plenty of people like you, whatever you like it or not, so...read on.
Now to the dark side, which I believe is a mistery for you in that very moment, well...let me just say there is nothing so alike with the life than the damned red/or pink, or whatever you call it/ grapefruit juice. That is the part when you should ask yourself something like "'What the hell is he talking about?'". Well...tell me one thing as simplistic as the red grapefruit juice which reminds you the the subtle-bitter and the sour-sweet flavour of your lifetime. Well..?

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